List of Boarding Schools in Alaska
Alaska is a U.S. state located in the extreme northwest of North America. The Canadian administrative divisions of British Columbia and Yukon border the state to the east; its most extreme western part is Attu Island; it has a maritime border with Russia to the west across the Bering Strait. The Chukchi and Beaufort seas–the southern parts of the Arctic Ocean are located to the north. The Pacific Ocean lies to the south and southwest. It is the largest state in the United States by area. In addition, it is the 3rd least populous and the most sparsely populated of the 50 United States. Nevertheless, it is by far the most populous territory located mostly north of the 60th parallel in North America, its population (the total estimated at 738,432 by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2015) more than quadrupling the combined populations of Northern Canada and Greenland. The economy of Alaska is dominated by the fishing, natural gas, and oil industries, resources which it has in abundance. Military bases and tourism are also a significant part of the economy. In the southern part, Southeast Alaska has a mid-latitude oceanic climate and a subarctic oceanic climate in the northern parts.
Education in Alaska
According to the census of 2000, there are 6,000 people in the Fairbanks North Star Borough who do not speak English at home. The National Institute for Literacy determined that 11% of Alaska's adult population functions at the lowest literacy level, "Level 1." The public school system of Alaska (prekindergarten through grade 12) works within districts governed by locally elected school boards and superintendents. Across the state, public schools are ranked among the finest in the nation and the Anchorage School District’s average SAT and ACT college entrance exam scores are consistently above the national average. To expand learning opportunities, Alaska has long been on the cutting edge of using computers and distance education. A majority of schools teach computer technology and many students participate in distance education and classroom activities on worldwide computer networks. Alaska provides premier opportunities for higher education. The educational system in the University of Alaska spans three separately accredited urban universities in Fairbanks and Juneau. The UA system includes a dozen community campuses, from Ketchikan in Southeast Alaska to Kotzebue in the far north. Alaska offers premier opportunities for higher education.
At, we have listed the Best Boarding Schools in Alaska. The list comprises of the top residential independent schools and state boarding schools.
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