Boarding Schools in Georgia
The state Georgia is situated in the southeastern United States, which began as a British colony in 1733, the last of the original Thirteen Colonies. Named after King George II of Great Britain, the Province of Georgia covered the area from South Carolina down to Spanish Florida and New France along La Louisiane, also bordering to the west towards the Mississippi River. On January 2, 1788, Georgia became the fourth state to ratify the United States Constitution. Georgia is bordered by Florida to the south, by the Atlantic Ocean and South Carolina to the east, by Alabama to the west, and by Tennessee and North Carolina to the north. The northern part of the state is in the Blue Ridge Mountains, part of the Appalachian Mountains system. According to the estimation of The United States Census Bureau, the population of Georgia was 10,214,860 on July 1, 2015, a 5.44% increase since the 2010 United States Census.
Education in Georgia
The literacy rate in Georgia is approximately 99.8%. In Georgia, the education system consists of public and private schools, including the University of Georgia, private colleges, and secondary and primary schools. Georgia County and city public school systems are managed by school boards with members elected at the local level. The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) administers public education in the state. The department is managed by an elected State Superintendent of Schools. Local municipalities and their respective school districts operate individual public schools but the GaDOE audits the performance of public schools. The GaDOE also makes recommendations to state leaders regarding education spending and policies. In order to receive a diploma, students of high schools must receive passing scores on four Georgia High School Graduation Tests (GHSGT) and the Georgia High School Writing Assessment. Mathematics, Science, Language Arts, and Social Studies are the subjects that are to be assessed. These tests are initially offered during students' eleventh-grade year, allowing for multiple opportunities to pass the tests before graduation at the end of twelfth grade. There are almost 70 public colleges, universities, and technical colleges as well as 45 private institutes of higher learning in Georgia. Among Georgia's public universities is the flagship research university, University of Georgia, the oldest public university in the United States. The University System of Georgia is the presiding body over public education in the state. The System has 29 institutions of higher learning. The System is governed by the Georgia Board of Regents.
The HOPE Scholarship, funded by the state lottery, is available to all Georgia residents who have graduated from high school or earned a General Educational Development certificate. The student must receive a 3.2 or higher grade point average and attend a public college or university in the state.
The Georgia Historical Society, an independent educational and research institution, has a research center located in Savannah. The research center's library and archives hold the oldest collection of materials related to Georgia history in the nation.
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